Tony Wolf
Tony is a 1982 graduate of Pekin (Packwood, IA) high school. He took his first Army ROTC course that fall at The University of Iowa. He followed his interest with the Army by joining the Iowa Army National Guard (B Company, 224th Engineer Battalion) on December 22, 1982.
He attended Basic Training and AIT the following summer at a Combat Engineer. He contracted in the fall of 1983 as a Cadet in the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) and accepted an early commission in May of 1985. He attended Engineer Officer Basic Course at Fort Belvoir, VA in the fall 0f 1985. He returned in the spring of 1986 and completed his Bachelor of General Studies degree in the fall of 1987. Following the completion of his degree, he opted to remain in the Iowa Army National Guard and pursue civilian interests.
Tony served as a Platoon Leader, Executive Officer, Reconnaissance Officer, Company Commander, and Battalion Personnel Officer (S1) during his time in the 224th EN BN. He deployed to Germany in 1991 during Operation Desert Storm. In 1996 he transferred to the Directorate of Personnel, Joint Force Headquarters, at Camp Dodge, Johnston, IA; serving as a Personnel Officer. He transferred to the 67th Troop Command as the Assistant Intelligence Officer (AS2); and, he also served as the Assistant Personnel Officer (AS1) and Personnel Officer (S1). He participated in standing up the 671st Troop Command and served as the Training Officer (S3) during his time there. On July 31, 2012 he hung up his boots for good with over 29 years of service.
The highlights of his civilian career include over fourteen years with the Marion Police Department where he served as a uniformed officer. He joined the Army ROTC Program at The University of Iowa the second time as a Cadre member in July of 2005. During his time there he served as a Senior Military Science Instructor (sophomore-level instruction) from 2005-2007. He assumed the role of Recruiting Operations Officer in July of 2007.
Tony is married to Ann; an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner at the Veterans Administration Hospital here in Iowa City. They have three children: Erik (works full time while pursuing a Theatre Degree at Iowa); Garrett (a Human Resource major and junior at Cornell College); and, Paige, who is a junior at Iowa majoring in English & Creative Writing.