Our Offices
IVETS is located on the second floor of Calvin Hall. Staff are available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Contact us at ui-ivets@uiowa.edu for general questions or registrar-vets-office@uiowa.edu for benefits-related questions, or call (319) 384-2626.

Benjamin Szot
Certifying Official
Benjamin can help you with
- GI Bill® Certification
- Veteran/Dependent in-state tuition override
- Issues with activation during semester
- Veteran designation on University ID
- Late fees due to delayed payment by VA
- Fed TA
Office Phone: (319) 335-0226
Email: benjamin-szot@uiowa.edu
Ben is located in 207 Calvin Hall.

Tammy Bruns
Certifying Official
Tammy can help you with
- GI Bill® Certification
- Veteran/Dependent in-state tuition override
- Issues with activation during semester
- Veteran designation on University ID
- Late fees due to delayed payment by VA
- Fed TA
Office Phone: (319) 335-0231
Email: tammy-bruns@uiowa.edu
Tammy is located in 207 Calvin Hall.

Tara Lamb
IVETS, Director of Academic Resources
Tara can help you with
- Academic Resources
- Mentoring
- Resources for Veterans and Military-Connected students
Office phone: (319) 384-4816
Email: tara-lamb@uiowa.edu
Tara is located in 211A Calvin Hall.

Matthew Miller
IVETS, Director of Student Transition
Matt can help you with
- Admissions and Retention
- Resources on Campus
- Resources for Veterans and Military-Connected students
Office phone: (319) 384-2613
Email: matthew-t-miller@uiowa.edu
Matthew is located in 211B Calvin Hall.